HOPI Terms of Service

Last updated:

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us.

These terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") set forth the terms and conditions for the use of services provided through "HOPI: AI Confidant" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") operated by Pleisto. Users agree to read and accept all contents of these Terms of Service when using the services provided by the Company on the Service.

Article 1 (Definitions)

In these Terms of Service, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in each of the following items:

  1. "Service" - Refers to the collective term for digital content, text information, services, etc., provided through "HOPI: AI Confidant" (including but not limited to websites and smartphone applications) operated by the Company.
  2. "User" - Refers to an individual who uses the Service.
  3. "Personal Information" - Refers to information about the User that can identify the User.
  4. "Authentication Information" - Refers to information used to authenticate connections from Users.
  5. "Cookies, etc." - Refers to information sent to the User's computer to understand the usage status of the website.

Article 2 (Special Provisions for iOS Users)

The following provisions apply specifically to Users accessing the Service through an iOS device:

  1. Users acknowledge that these Terms are concluded between the User and Pleisto only, and not with Apple. Pleisto, not Apple, is solely responsible for the HOPI application and its content.
  2. The license granted to iOS Users is limited to a non-transferable license to use the HOPI application on Apple-branded products that the User owns or controls, as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions.
  3. Pleisto is solely responsible for providing maintenance and support for the HOPI application. Apple has no obligation to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the application.
  4. In the event of any failure of the HOPI application to conform to any applicable warranty, Users may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the application. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the HOPI application.
  5. Pleisto is responsible for addressing any claims relating to the HOPI application or the User's possession and use of that application, including but not limited to: product liability claims, any claim that the application fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement, and claims arising under consumer protection, privacy, or similar legislation.
  6. In the event of any third party claim that the HOPI application or the User's possession and use of that application infringes that third party's intellectual property rights, Pleisto, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such claim.
  7. iOS Users represent and warrant that (i) they are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a "terrorist supporting" country; and (ii) they are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
  8. Users must comply with applicable third party terms of agreement when using the HOPI application on iOS.
  9. Users acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple's subsidiaries, are third party beneficiaries of these Terms, and that, upon the User's acceptance of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against the User as a third party beneficiary thereof.

For iOS users specifically, if you have any questions, complaints, or claims related to the HOPI application, please contact:

Email: support@hopi.so
Online Support: https://hopi.so/support
Address: Unit 1615-20, Level 16, Tower II, Grand Century Place,193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong kong

Article 3 (Conditions for Using the Service)

  1. Users can use the Service on devices with an Internet communication environment.
  2. The Company reserves the right to add new services or make changes to the Service as necessary. Users agree to such changes by continuing to use the Service.
  3. Users can use the Service within the scope defined by the Company according to the usage environment and conditions defined by the Company, including these Terms of Service.
  4. Users shall operate the Service entirely through their own devices. The Company considers all operations performed on devices used by Users to be the User's intention.
  5. The Service is intended for users 17 years of age or older. If you are under 17, you are prohibited from using the Service.
  6. The Service may offer in-app purchases. These purchases are subject to the terms and conditions of the platform through which they are made (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store). Refund requests for in-app purchases should be directed to the respective platform provider in accordance with their policies. The Company's ability to provide refunds may be limited by the policies of these platform providers.
  7. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information and for all activities that occur under their account.
  8. The Company grants Users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the Service for personal, non-commercial purposes in accordance with these Terms.
  9. Users agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Service or any part thereof.
  10. The Company reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders at its sole discretion.
  11. Users are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all devices and other equipment and software, and all internet service provider, mobile service, and other services needed to access and use the Service, and all charges related to the same.
  12. The Company may, at its discretion, modify the Service, including its features, functionalities, or content, at any time.
  13. Users acknowledge that their use of the Service may be subject to separate third-party terms of service and privacy policies, particularly when accessing third-party content or services through the Service.

Article 4 (User Information and Personal Information)

  1. Users agree that the Company may collect information about Users when using the Service.
  2. The Company shall handle Users' personal information in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy.
  3. The Company may use Cookies, local storage, advertising identification numbers, and access logs obtained from Users (including IP addresses, hereinafter referred to as "Cookies, etc."), and Users agree to this. In agreeing to this, Users also need to agree to the Company's Privacy Policy.
  4. Users agree to accept Cookies through settings on their computers, smartphones, or browser settings. If Cookies are rejected due to browser settings, the Company may not be able to correctly recognize User information, but the Company shall not be responsible for any disadvantages or damages incurred by Users due to this.
  5. If the Company transfers the business related to the Service to another company, the Company may transfer the contractual status with Users, rights and obligations based on these Terms of Service, and User registration information and other customer information to the transferee of the business transfer in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations. Users are deemed to have consented to such transfer in advance in this paragraph. The business transfer referred to in this paragraph includes not only ordinary business transfers but also company splits and all other cases where business is transferred.

Article 5 (Termination of Use)

  1. Users can terminate the use of the Service and cancel the Service Use Agreement at any time by deleting the Service application from their device and not using the Service for a reasonable period determined by the Company.
  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, Users shall lose all rights as Users, including the right to receive services stipulated in these Terms of Service.
  3. The Company may, at its discretion, immediately suspend all or part of the Service use, terminate or cancel the Service Use Agreement, or take other measures deemed appropriate by the Company without prior notice or warning to the User and without obtaining the User's consent, if the Company determines that the User falls under or is likely to fall under any of the following:
    1. Violation of these Terms of Service
    2. Fraudulent use of services provided by the Company
    3. Causing disadvantage to other Users through services provided by the Company
    4. Any other case where the Company determines that the User does not qualify as a User
  4. In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the Company suffers any damage, the User shall compensate the Company for such damage (including indirect damage and attorney's fees).

Article 6 (Provision of the Service)

  1. The Company may notify Users of information regarding server failures, service updates, etc., by push notifications or by posting on the Service.
  2. Users shall bear the communication costs necessary for browsing web services and other communications when using information communication devices to receive the Service.
  3. The Company may change, alter the frequency of provision, suspend, or discontinue all or part of the Service for any reason without prior notice or warning to Users. However, if the Company discontinues all of the Service, the Company shall notify Users in advance in a manner deemed appropriate by the Company, except in cases where the Company determines it to be urgent.
  4. Users shall not engage in the following prohibited actions:
    1. Actions that violate these Terms of Service
    2. Unfairly collecting, storing, or using personal information of other Users
    3. Actions that infringe or are likely to infringe upon intellectual property rights, other property rights, or personal rights of the Company, licensors from whom the Company has received licenses, other Users, or any third parties
    4. Actions that infringe or are likely to infringe upon the rights and interests of the Company and third parties
    5. Actions that violate laws, ordinances, etc.
    6. Actions that are contrary to public order and morals or are likely to be so, or providing information that may be contrary to public order and morals to other Users or third parties
    7. Criminal acts, actions that lead to or promote criminal acts such as criminal threats, or actions that are likely to do so
    8. Unauthorized access to the Company's system, distribution of computer viruses, actions that place a significant load on servers or networks, or other actions that interfere with or are likely to interfere with the normal operation of the Service
    9. Actions that damage or are likely to damage the reputation of the Company and the credibility of the Service
    10. Commercial activities using the Service or preparatory actions for such activities
  5. The Company may change the content or name of the Service at any time at its discretion without prior notice to or obtaining consent from Users.
  6. The Company may suspend all or part of the Service due to the following reasons:
    1. Maintenance, inspection, update, repair of equipment necessary for providing the Service, or other reasons
    2. Fire, power outage, natural disaster, war, terrorism, riot, labor dispute, or other emergency situations
    3. When the Service cannot be provided due to measures based on laws and regulations
    4. When the Company has notified Users in advance by email or other means within a reasonable range
  7. The Company may post or distribute advertisements through the Service without prior consent from Users to the extent not prohibited by law. Such advertisements are placed by third parties, and the Company assumes no responsibility for the legality, truthfulness, or validity of the content of such advertisements. Therefore, Users shall use the information in such advertisements at their own risk.
  8. External sites linked from the information provided by the system, including third-party advertisements mentioned in the preceding paragraph, are not managed or operated by the Company, and the Company assumes no responsibility for the legality, morality, reliability, accuracy, changes, updates, etc., of their content. Furthermore, the fact that an external site is linked from the information provided by the system does not imply any commercial relationship between the Company and such external site.
  9. The Company may provide services to Users in different service forms for each User according to their classification or ranking, as appropriate, within the scope not contrary to laws and these Terms of Service.
  10. The Service provides Users with automated content using an AI model.
  11. The Service does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, up-to-dateness, correctness, validity, morality, safety, applicability, usefulness, availability, or non-infringement of third-party rights of the content. The Company also assumes no responsibility for actions taken by Users based on the content or their results. Therefore, Users shall use the Service at their own risk and judgment.
  12. When Users use information and related content posted on the Service, they shall do so at their own judgment and responsibility according to their purpose of use.
  13. When Users cancel the Service Use Agreement or when the Company terminates the operation of the Service, the Company may, at its discretion, delete all information and content related to the User and will not respond to requests for their return.

Article 7 (Intellectual Property Rights, etc.)

  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights, portrait rights and publicity rights, and other personal rights, as well as ownership and other property rights arising from content constituting the Service, other text, images, programs, and other information, belong to the Company or third parties who hold such rights.
  2. Users may not use or disclose information such as content provided through the Service beyond the scope of personal use by individual Users as defined by the Copyright Act without obtaining the Company's consent. If any problems arise regarding intellectual property rights such as copyrights due to violation of the provisions of this Article, Users shall resolve such problems at their own expense and responsibility. In addition, if Users cause damage to the Company by violating this Article, the Company may claim damages against such Users.

Article 8 (Arrival of Notifications)

Notifications from the Company shall be made through announcements on the Company's website or application, or by any other method deemed appropriate by the Company, and such notifications shall be deemed to have arrived at the time they should normally arrive.

Article 9 (Severability)

Even if any provision or part of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions and the remaining part of the provision deemed partially invalid or unenforceable shall continue to be fully effective.

Article 10 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

If any doubts or problems arise between Users, the Company, and third parties in connection with the Service, they shall consult in good faith and resolve the issue each time.

These Terms shall be interpreted in accordance with Singapore law, and all disputes related to these Terms shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), with English as the language of arbitration and one arbitrator. However, if the Company makes a claim against a User, the Company may file a lawsuit in the court of jurisdiction chosen by the Company.